We are enjoying every moment with our little man...he has been such a good baby! Needless to say, it was pretty difficult when we realized that he's been having some severe reflux issues. Let me back up and start from the beginning.
When I was pregnant with Silas, he ALWAYS had the hiccups. It was adorable. And once he was born, he continued to get the hiccups and it was even more adorable to watch him with them! When he eats, he tends to arch his back and stretch his neck--another adorable quirk we thought he had. Silas was also spitting up quite a bit, which we didn't think was too alarming, so we didn't think much of it.
Unfortunately, the spitting up started getting worse. He was spitting up anywhere from 6-8 times after he ate. The spit up wasn't just a little, either. It would soak his clothes, blankets, or whatever was close to him. We even got a picture (unintentionally) of him mid spit up. Then, his feedings started digressing--instead of eating 3-4 oz every 3 hours, he started needing to be fed every hour to hour and half, and it would take 45 minutes for him to eat 3 oz. FInally, he would get really fussy during and after his feedings. Now, we were starting to be concerned.
As it turns out, all of his cute quirky traits we loved so much, combined with the change in feedings, translated into severe reflux. We did a little internet research on it (I know, Dad, you hate it when patients do that!) and emailed a friend whose children also have this and scheduled an appointment with our pediatrician.
We saw Dr. Rule (who is amazing), and she confirmed that it does sound like Silas has reflux. She told us to start adding a little rice cereal to the breastmilk and also prescribed Axid, twice a day. She told us we should see an immediate difference within 24-48 hours, and by his two-month appointment (June 9) the difference should be substantial. If there is no difference, then he may have a milk protein allergy and that's not a route we want to venture down...
Hopefully, this will work...we will let you know!
Oh, and the picture above? That is him spitting up (too gross?...maybe), and he is wearing a Jeep sleeper with a Harley cap. Daddy dressed him :)
oh i hope he feels better. it must be terrible for someone so little to be sick.
ReplyDeletelove you guys and cant wait to see you soon!