Silas is sleeping though the night! We didn't want to post or say anything too soon, but he has slept 8+ hours every single night this week. He's had random other times he has slept through the night--as early as a week or two old, but this is the first consistent week. Needless to say, we are quite thrilled with this.
How did we do it? Well, we think there are a couple of factors helping (although it could just be coincidental). For one, we have been swaddling him at night since Day 1. We try not to swaddle him during the day so that way he knows that being swaddled is a nighttime thing. We have special swaddlers we use to make sure he is snug as a bug. Alan does the swaddling because when he wraps Silas in, Silas cannot move. Apparently, one of many reasons babies wake up at night is because their hands get near their face, they start scratching, and thus wake themselves up. You can see the picture above of swaddled Silas.
Another factor is probably the rice cereal. We always feed him right before we put him to bed so we think that adding rice cereal to his bottles is helping him to have a fuller tummy. We started the rice cereal this week, which is the main reason why we think this is helping.
Finally, Silas is just a wonderful little boy. When his reflux isn't bothering him, he really is quite laid-back. We couldn't have asked for a better baby! Hopefully, this sleeping through the night will continue, especially considering I have to go back to work in a week!
um, is it ok to give babies rice cereal if they don't have acid reflux? tell me everything. :)