Wrinkles only go where the smiles have been...

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fall in the NC mountains

Since we've moved to North Carolina, we have taken at least one trip to the mountains each fall. The colors are absolutely beautiful in the Blue Ridge Mountains this time of year, especially in Blowing Rock and Boone, so this is where we always venture.

The first year we went, it was just me and Alan. The next year we went alone, but left with two adorable 6-week old kittens--Rocky and Boone. Two years ago, we went twice in the fall--and added two puppies to the trip (and Cliff and Samantha to one). Last year, went made it an overnight trip with the pups. Last weekend, we left the pups at home, but got to take Silas!

We had an absolute blast...the weather was perfect and the colors were beautiful. The weather was almost too perfect--the sun was so bright it cast a slight haze on some of my pictures. 

We took Silas to the top of Grandfather Mountain, but unfortunately, he didn't enjoy it as much as we did. Between the pressure on his ears and the high winds, he wasn't a fan. But, he was SUCH a trooper! He only fussed a little, and wasn't a true fussiness--it was more like a confusion with all that was going on. He did look adorable bundled up in his little outfit, though. Nonetheless, I stayed inside with him for a little while while Alan ventured onto the mountain.

We have so many beautiful pictures from the trip. Below are just a few of the many pictures. If you'd like to see them all, click here: Our picture site

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