Wrinkles only go where the smiles have been...

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weekend with Jenn and Scott

     Last weekend, we were blessed to have Alan's sister, Jennifer, and her husband, Scott, come visit us! 

     Scott works in construction and has a special talent for carpentry. When he heard that Alan was having some difficulty completing the upstairs addition to our house, Scott graciously offered to come up and help. We were absolutely floored (no pun intended) and so grateful for his offer. Jennifer had already planned on coming up at some point, because she wanted to see Silas again, so this past weekend seemed to work out well for all of us.

     Jenn and Scott arrived Thursday afternoon and stayed through Sunday morning. The weekend was jammed packed--the boys spent Friday working upstairs ALL DAY, while Jennifer got to spend the entire day with Silas while I was at work. It was homecoming week for the high school I work at, so I really couldn't take any time off. Jennifer had a blast with Silas, though! That evening, Jennifer, Silas, and I all went to the Bunn High School homecoming parade while the boys finished up some evening work. 

     Saturday, Alan and Scott still had some work to do upstairs, so they spent the morning doing that. After lunch, we all headed into Wake Forest and spent a little time perusing the shops downtown. After that, we went driving around Raleigh and made our way into downtown Raleigh--and discovered a neat little section that Alan and I had not really frequented before. It was great!

     Finally, we headed back to Wake Forest and sat down for dinner at the Carolina Ale House--just in time for the Tennessee vs. Alabama football game. We had a blast! What could be better than watching the first half of the football game on a big screen, eating wings? At half time, we paid the bill and hurried home to see the rest of the game. 

     Overall, the weekend was truly wonderful. It was so special to spend time with family and to have a little bit of help with the work on the house. There's still a little bit to be done upstairs, but nothing extreme. We are almost done! At any rate, we had a fantastic weekend, and again, are just so grateful for Jennifer and Scott!

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