Wrinkles only go where the smiles have been...

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings in our house are quite different from most other mornings. Because the church is half an hour away, we don't drive separately. So when Alan has to leave for Sunday School, we all have to go with him. This also means that Silas has to start his day a little earlier and differently from other days. 

First of all, we have to wake him up on Sundays. This does not produce a happy baby. Silas may not nap much, but when he sleeps at night, he sleeps solidly until he is good and ready to wake-up. When he wakes up on his own in the mornings, he is happy. When we wake him up, not so much. 

Then, we have to feed him immediately. Silas has suddenly decided that he is tired of his banana oatmeal in the morning and takes forever to eat his food. Seriously. This morning, he even discovered how to use his tongue to block the spoon from going in his mouth all the way. Stinker. 

After that and his bottle, we usually have to put him into his church clothes and get going. Most mornings, Alan and I have a pretty good system with getting him and ourselves ready, so we are normally out the door on time, or just a few minutes later. 

Once we get to the church, though, it never fails. Silas poops. Always. When we pull into the parking lot, turn off the engine, that's when he does it (we know by the hilarious sounds he makes as he completes to task). Then, we have to go through the fun task of changing him (parents know that this is a MUCH harder task to do in public). 

Finally, Silas and I settle into the balcony area of the sanctuary while Alan teaches Sunday School. There isn't really a class for me to go to, and we aren't comfortable leaving him in the nursery alone (long story there), so I'm OK with it. We set up the media for the service and then play together. 

I love Sunday mornings with him. It is our special time. What I really love is that his morning nap is usually at 11:00 AM. Guess when our morning service starts? Yep, 11. So, during the service he usually ends up sleeping in one of our arms...and it is priceless.  

click on any of the pictures below to make them bigger

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this is so precious! I miss those Sunday-morning-middle-of-church naps. Those lips are too sweet.
