Wrinkles only go where the smiles have been...

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Saturday, November 27, 2010


I'm so amazed how time is flying by! Thanksgiving has come and gone, but we had a wonderful time as my mother was able to come up and spend a couple of days with us.

She arrived on Wednesday morning and the we all went to pick her up from the airport. On our way back home, we stopped at Trader Joe's to pick up a few things, then ate lunch at the Village Deli in Wake Forest. Finally, we headed home and spent the evening there. Alan wasn't feeling too well, so he was able to take a nap and get some much needed rest. 

Thursday morning, we all slept in, then lounged around the house. I (Courtney) took a nap around lunchtime and awoke to some yummy spinach/cheese/bacon dip and chips...and lots of football! Early afternoon, Alan and I began cooking our Thanksgiving meal--green bean casserole, scalloped potatoes, deviled eggs, crescent rolls, black-eyed peas, and our delicious bourbon-glazed ham. Nothing special, but oh, so delicious! We topped it off with pecan pie and vanilla ice cream. We were beyond stuffed!

Friday, we decided to brave the crowds and do a bit of shopping. None of us really wanted to do official Black Friday shopping, but there were a couple of things my mother wanted to look for and see, so we decided to drive into Wake Forest. Amazingly enough, the traffic wasn't bad and the crowds were sparse. Apparently, everyone else was in Raleigh!

After shopping, we came home and settled in for some Iron Bowl action. What a close game! Afterwards, my mother wanted me and Alan to go out and have a date night since we rarely get that opportunity. We had a gift certificate to the Gatehouse Tavern in Wake Forest, so we went there and had a good time. For dessert, we went to A la Mode in downtown Wake Forest to savor some gelato. We didn't stay out very long, but it was so nice to have a couple of hours to ourselves.

Silas officially LOVES his Gigi (my mother). When she first arrived, he was a little grumpy because his schedule was off so he didn't open up to her very much. By the end of her visit, though, he was relishing every bit of playtime, soaking up her attention, and indulging in lots of cuddle time. In fact, he was so excited that he quit napping while she was here! We think he already misses her...whenever we walk by the guest room with him in our arms, he peers into the room--as if he is looking for her. 

We are incredibly grateful for a family that loves us so much. Gigi, we had a wonderful time, and can't wait to see you again at Christmas! Thank you for everything--we love you!

Click on any of the pictures below to see a bigger version. 



Notice his "guard" dogs 

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